Our Program
Calling all young voices who are eager to explore your God give potential. Do you love to sing? Constantly humming a tune? Interested in performing for live audiences? Desire to know how the Word of God pertains to your life? If you (or your children) are a singer from age 6 to 16, this program is perfect!
Our very first semester classes have started in early March, 2017. We have spring and fall semesters every year. Usually, classes take place every Saturday from 10am to 12pm noon, in a studio in Queens. Each class includes choir practices as well as lessons in music theories and vocal training.
Trainings and Activities in the Program
Healthy Vocal Breathing
Voice Projection
Sight Singing
Basic Music Theory
Aural Training
Music Appreciation
Performing Skill
Expert Guest Led “Masterclasses”
Two Professional Concerts Per Year
Recording Studio Preparation
Spiritual Discipline
Cost and Requirement
The cost for this is tax deductible love offering, with the suggested [but not required] donation of $35/class. Candidates between age 6-16 must pass the audition in order to join the program. Below is the info for our auditions.
Audition Details
Time: Every March & September [Once you register online with our below form, we will contact you to schedule an exact audition date and time. Please have your child prepare to sing a song of his/her choice on the day of audition.]
Location: A Music Studio in Queens. We will contact you for the details.
Fee: $20 (Music evaluation report will be given at the end by our music professionals)
Contact: Julie Li – 516 527 6930 (call or text)