David Beale Photo It’s a way to improve memory, reduce stress and make breathing easier. Deborah Quilter Next Avenue Last April, when Leon Palad was approached to be choir director
On any given day, in towns both large and small, choruses across the country present hundreds of beautiful concerts. While audiences and choral singers alike have long understood the intrinsic
MoreMusical Training Optimizes Brain Function
Author: Christopher Bergland, from Psychology Today Musical training before age 7 can benefit brain function for a lifespan. Neuroscientists are discovering multiple ways that musical training improves the function and connectivity
MoreThe Benefits of Music Education
By Laura Lewis Brown From PBSParents Whether your child is the next Beyonce or more likely to sing her solos in the shower, she is bound to benefit from some form
MoreChildren’s Ability to Follow a Beat May Impact Reading, Language Skills
By Amanda Woerner From: FoxNews.com New research is shedding light on how music education may help improve children’s reading and language skills. In a study from Northwestern University, researchers demonstrated
MoreThe Benefits of Introducing Your Child to Music
Throughout the Bible, God’s people sing when their hearts are overflowing with the joy of God’s goodness. “Sing for joy to God our strength; shout aloud to the God of
MoreSeven Biblical Reasons Why Singing Matters
By: Tom Olson (@tommyo), Campus Pastor at The Orchard Evangelical Free Church (@theorchardefc) in Barrington, Illinois From: Blog Post from Unlocking The Bible Have you ever wondered why God desires